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Work and Travel - Wspomnienia po angielsku-Yulia 2011


When I close my eyes with smiling I remember my first unforgettable trip to America.

My little story began only when, after separation from the ground plane in the sky, my heartbeat started faster and faster. Regardless, I flew not alone, but anyway it was somehow not in itself because it was my first flight in life. Feelings of fear and something mysterious at the same time not leave me for ten hours. For on the other side of the continent I have been waiting unknown and exciting feeling. As this new relationship, a different mentality, lifestyle and self conscious.

Touched down in New-York We were meeting by a good friend who has a couple of years living in Brooklyn, in which we stayed overnight. The next day we arrived in Harrisburg and immediately went looking for major office , which was near the bus station. On the same day we had shourt lesson where they told us about the rules of behavior at work and beyond.
Our schedule started only a week after arrival. So we had plenty of time to get acquainted with the city, to get know the new international students, adjust to time zone, food and other aspects.

And now, after a week of rest, our work began. My job was that I cleaned rooms in Hilton Hotel. Thus, at the beginning was hard, but then we got used to our schedule and worked longer, for example, six days a week of eight hours. The working day begins with fifteen minutes conversation of supervisor, who gave all instructions on how to work effectively. Then each housekeeper was given list, which included a number of rooms per day, and the end time of cleaning. In addition, all workers of every month had meetings in which the best employees were elected and given general information about the level of the hotel at the moment. All employees were very friendly, they all was smiled and wished a good day.
There were days when the hotel was full of customers, especially when we performed "Little Miss Pennsylvania," and in connection with of natural disasters - Hurricane "Irene." During this period we worked a lot of hours.

During the summer we hadn’t traveled a lot. Most of the time we held the job. But it wasn't a problem for us to arrange a small student parties. Where we increased the range of our relationship with other students. After fourth month of our work, in September, we had got more free time, which allowed us to travel. First of all we went to Washington DC, because our Polish national visa was expired. So don’t worry if your visa will end. This isn’t a problem to open it in the United States. You need just a few documents for it. In addition, in Washington DC we visited many museums, the White House, Lincoln Monument and the Capitol. Next our drstination was Baltimore. There we had a tour of the largest aquarium in America. Later we went to the city of Hershey, which is famous for its factory, which produces the most delicious chocolate. Also, there is a big fun park with roller coasters.

Tickets to the home we had from New York City, so for three days before flying we went there to spend more time in one of the largest cities in USA. Three days - it was not enough to see the greatness and beauty of the city. So we visited only the most famous locally placec such as: Statue of Liberty, Brooklyn Bridge, Times Square, Empire State Building.
But, unfortunately, my program getting end and we have had to return back to Poland. I was so impressed by the summer holidays and America, that I suggested to all my friends to go and visit that country. It was the best summer! Many experiences, new friends, learning new cultures, particularly American, improving my English and many other factors that have influenced on me and on my life. This summer I also planning to travel to the United States. In the future, if all will be good it even possible studying there. With help by firm "Why Not USA" that offers a variety of programs, including traveling and studying a year in America, you can do it.

After the summer holidays, I realized that dream come true, just need to put a dream and go to it. I wish to everybody all success to the implementation of dreams and incredible vacation spent in America, along with the company that helps in it "Why Not USA".


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